About Me

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I grew up in Small Town, Nebraska, feeling sheltered by the 'safety' of it all. When I moved to Big City, Nebraska, I felt like the world was my oyster. However, I soon felt like there was much more for me Out There... I moved to Chicago, thinking I was done with this 'little' state. It took living in a true big city to realize that Lincoln is just an oversized small town... and it's where I belong! I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband who understands me and all my oddities. My kids are young enough to still think I'm cool. Beyond that, who cares, right?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Happy News

Okay, I've pretty much blabbed to most of my family and friends--it's time to make it official: I'm pregnant! Again! Some may not have known that I was pregnant last year, and I miscarried in my 6th week. That actually went on for four weeks before I went in and found out for sure, then went for a D&C. (Delicately put: cleaning out of all remaining tissue.) It was much more traumatic than I'd expected something like that to be, and I was upset, to greater and lesser degrees, for the better part of this past year. Now, we're pregnant again. Although this pregnancy wasn't as intensely planned out as the previous pregnancy was, we did hope/suspect it could happen. Already I'm "feeling" more pregnant than I did last year, which I take as a good sign.
Today, I went with the girls to my midwife for our first visit. She didn't do an actual "check-up" this time--that'll happen next week, and I won't take the girls along for that. (They don't need that much education!) It was more of a medical history review and Q&A time... but they told me I'm about 10 1/2 weeks along, where I was thinking I had just crossed over into my 9th week. (I know, that 1/2 week shouldn't matter, but during the first trimester, especially after last year, I'm taking every little bit of ground I can get!) My midwife did pull out her little rubber models of babies in-utero at various stages of the pregnancy. I've seen those several times, of course, but it was really fun for the girls to get an idea of how big (so tiny, really) the baby is right now. An added bonus: we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat already! I wasn't expecting that until at least next week, and maybe later than that. It was so great... that's the thing that always makes it so real for me! So we're looking at early January. Yippee! Cross your fingers, pray, send positive vibes, etc., that the baby and I are both healthy and strong throughout and after pregnancy. Thanks!


Bridget said...

Yeah we are so happy for you all. What a lucky little child! He/she will have wonderful parents and two great sisters. I will call you soon about seeing if we can all get together soon. Hope Josie is feeling better.

trayceetee said...

Thanks! Josie's doing great! We're back into the swing of things, going to the pools, etc. And she's being a real good sport about not going off the boards or slides yet (they said not to for another month--poor girl!). Let's do get together soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Tracy! Congrats on the baby! :-)

Let's get together soon!

Jodi B.