About Me

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I grew up in Small Town, Nebraska, feeling sheltered by the 'safety' of it all. When I moved to Big City, Nebraska, I felt like the world was my oyster. However, I soon felt like there was much more for me Out There... I moved to Chicago, thinking I was done with this 'little' state. It took living in a true big city to realize that Lincoln is just an oversized small town... and it's where I belong! I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband who understands me and all my oddities. My kids are young enough to still think I'm cool. Beyond that, who cares, right?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Netflix, Bunco, Elephant Feet--Oh My!

I received a month's worth of free Netflix from a FANTASTIC friend of mine, and I am LOVING it!!! It's really a great deal (especially when it's free). I can keep the movies as long as I want, and I don't have to pay shipping when I send them back. I actually don't like to hold onto the movies for very long, though, as I'm enjoying turning around and sending them back to see how fast I can get something else. Turnaround time is usually 2-3 days. I suppose it's easier, in a sense, to just go to Blockbuster or Hollywood Video to pick up a movie, rather than wait for it to come in the mail. But I don't mind waiting a day or two, and I really love creating a list and having Netflix pick from the list for me. I can change the order of the list, in case I decide I want to watch one thing before another--that came in handy this week, with Jim out of town. I've tried moving all of the "chick flicks" on my list up, so I can watch them while he's gone. Part of what's so cool about it is that Netflix has so many movies that aren't available at the regular video stores anymore. And since I can create a list of my own, I can go add to it anytime I think of another movie I want to see--it's so much better than standing there in the video store for 20 minutes going, "What was it that I was thinking of the other day? None of these movies sound good!" Okay, enough for my plug on Netflix... if you haven't tried it, you should give it a shot. You can get two weeks free when you go to www.netflix.com.
Bunco is a new passion of mine! I'd heard about it from my friend Beth about four years ago (give or take a year), but the concept was pretty fuzzy. This past year, my friend Anita got into a group and was constantly asking me to come with her, as a sub. For various reasons, it just never worked out, and I have to admit, I was a little intimidated by the game anyway. I didn't know how to play, so how could I possibly fill in for someone? And I was scared by the prospect of spending an evening with a roomfull of women I didn't know--I would only know Anita, right? And my time with her couldn't be very extensive, knowing there would be ten other women there! But finally, after about four months, I finally broke down and joined her as a sub one night. I couldn't believe how easy (and ADDICTIVE) the game is! The very next day, I told Anita I'd love to become a permanent member, if they ever had an opening on the team. She told me there actually was an opening (one of the 'regulars' decided it'd be better for her and her family if she stepped down to 'sub' status). Yippee! Well, this month was my first turn as a 'regular', and due to unforseen circumstances, someone was needed to host at their house (the originally slated host was unavailable). I decided to jump in with both feet--gave the house a MAJOR cleaning and had everyone over to my place. It was a BLAST! I've only played twice, now, and my pregnant brain trips me up every once in a while. But this group is SO much fun, and it's exciting getting to know them all. What's kind of neat about it, too, is that it seems like there's always someone who can't make it, so there's always a sub or two--which means meeting even more new people. And I can't believe I was afraid of doing just that! I'm glad I finally pulled my head out of the sand! All I can say is: BUNCO RULES!!!
One last thing, before I'm done. It's been kind of warm here, the past few days. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, it was in the low 90's each day. Yesterday was cooler and today should be cooler, too. But the damage is done: I've got Elephant Feet! I remember my feet swelling with both Lindsay and Josie--more so with Josie--but I don't recall it happening this early in the pregnancy. (However, my memory is so fuzzy, it could have started at exactly this point last time--I just can't remember.) I'm sure it didn't help that I took the girls on an excursion through the zoo on Sunday, during the peak of the heat. And all this week, I've been on my feet, doing one thing or another. I've only gotten 45 minutes to an hour and a half each day with my feet up. So I'm not really giving them much chance for the swelling to go down. I'm hoping this is not a constant state... kankles are not a look I fancy, even during pregnancy. Thank goodness it's cool again, so I can at least cover them with jeans. I do have to wear my AirWalks, though, as socks would bind too much and there's not much chance of me tying tennis shoes anymore. The funny thing is, I bought my AirWalks about 1/2 a size too big, knowing, at the time, that I was pregnant. Now they're very snug, and if I have them on for long, my feet start molding in shape around them. Neat. Ah, the joys of pregnancy. It could always be worse, and I'm STILL loving every minute of it. Back pain, frequent trips to the bathroom, going through a bottle of TUMS each week--they're all part of the fun for me! It truly is a blessing and a miracle, and if there are a few discomforts along the way, they only make me appreciate the gift I receive at the end of the journey!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Hope the legs are feeling better. I didn't swell up until after the kids were born and that was because they pumped me full of soooo many fluids due to my very low blood pressure. I just remember how painful it was. Take care!