About Me

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I grew up in Small Town, Nebraska, feeling sheltered by the 'safety' of it all. When I moved to Big City, Nebraska, I felt like the world was my oyster. However, I soon felt like there was much more for me Out There... I moved to Chicago, thinking I was done with this 'little' state. It took living in a true big city to realize that Lincoln is just an oversized small town... and it's where I belong! I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband who understands me and all my oddities. My kids are young enough to still think I'm cool. Beyond that, who cares, right?

Monday, October 29, 2007

I am way behind on blogging now. I can't even believe it. I'm hoping I'll add an entry today and then maybe do some catch-up entries in the next couple of days

Let's see.....

Lindsay just wrapped up her season of Girls on the Run. It was two months of training, finishing up Sunday with a 5K. She ran in the Pumpkin Run a few weeks before, and that was 1 mile, which was the furthest she'd ever run. So Sunday, doing a 5K (3.1 miles, I believe), it was a huge deal. Yes, she did walk a bit, but she ran a good chunk of it, finished and got an awesome medal! Jim ran with her, and I'm glad he did! We're both so proud of her!!!

Girls on the Run

Pumpkin Run
Josie is almost catching up to Lindsay already in the reading department. She reads everything she can get her hands on, provided the words aren't longer than four letters! It's especially nice when she reads Donovan's board books to him, like "Baby, Come to Church" and "How Do Dinasaours Clean Their Rooms?" We just got done with Fall Break, and Josie was lucky enough to have TWO playdates with her friend Olivia! She's a great friend! We also decorated pumpkins, did our annual Boo at the Zoo, and went to Vala's Pumpkin Patch, near Omaha.

Lindsay, Josie & Olivia

Lindsay & Josie with their Jack-o-Lanterns

Josie (vampiress), cousin Corbin (ninja), Donovan (vampire), cousin Sara (pirate), and Lindsay (demon)

At the Pumpkin Patch--the girls love these faceless frame things!

Donovan, my 10-month-old boy (can you believe he's that old already?) is now walking, as of last week -- when he was still only 9-months-old. It's a Tibbels Family Record! (At least, for THIS Tibbels family!) He's got four teeth showing through very well, and there are about three or four more trying to poke through. I weaned him to formula about two months ago, which was great for both of us! He weaned himself off the pacifier not long after, as it bothered his sore gums. (Great--one less task for Mommy and Daddy!) Aside from walking all over the house and chewing on everything, our latest challenge is dealing with severe diaper rash. Josie had problems with it when she was a baby, and we discovered it was because she could only handle a certain brand of diapers. I'm thinking that's the same problem with D--so far, it seems to be better if we stick with Pampers Cruisers (no Luvs, no Huggies, no Pampers Baby Dry, NO Target brand, which is what started the whole problem!). Like Josie's way back then, Aquaphor won't clear it up. Neither will Desitin, Arbonne's Diaper Rash Cream, or even the all-powerful Boudreaux's Butt Paste (which we all love simply for the name). Actually, the latter three are all zinc-oxide based, and Aquaphor and Eucerin are both petrolium jelly based. The only thing I've found to work is scorched or fried flour. It worked on Josie, and it's slowly working on the boy, as well. (Baking soda baths, and then letting him air dry for a while, helps.)

Goin' commando!

Little vampire

Other than that, we're just gearing up for Halloween, then looking forward to Thanksgiving, our niece's wedding, Christmas, Donovan's 1st birthday, etc., etc. Hope this autumn is going well for you all and that it's just as beautiful where you are as it is here for us!


Bridget said...

So fun to catch up! Can't believe how big little Donavan is. Walking?! Crazy!

Hope to talk to you soon. Take care!

sue p. said...

Great job Lindsay! Way to go! And what cute and scary Halloween people you have there! I can't believe Donavan is walking! Wow! Were you ready for that!? Shannon walked early and I know I wasn't ready for it. Take care - can't wait to see all of you at Christmas.
Love ya,
Aunt Sue