About Me

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I grew up in Small Town, Nebraska, feeling sheltered by the 'safety' of it all. When I moved to Big City, Nebraska, I felt like the world was my oyster. However, I soon felt like there was much more for me Out There... I moved to Chicago, thinking I was done with this 'little' state. It took living in a true big city to realize that Lincoln is just an oversized small town... and it's where I belong! I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband who understands me and all my oddities. My kids are young enough to still think I'm cool. Beyond that, who cares, right?

Friday, November 21, 2008

A Lesson in E-Mail Etiquette: Undisclosed Recipients or Blind Carbon Copying (BCC)

I used to grow frustrated with my older brother's somewhat preachy tones in some of the e-mails he'd write, especially when he would throw in " (sigh) ". It got a little irritating. And yet, I'm the one who is BURDENED with the need for such a HEAVY SIGH, I can barely stand it!!!

I am seriously considering looking up, on the Internet, ways to sell people's e-mail addresses for money. Y'know, for people who want to SPAM. No joke! Do you have any idea how many people's addresses I could sell? All the time, I'm getting e-mail forwards from friends, acquaintances, relatives, all who just forward the e-mail from the last schmuck--never taking the time to erase all the previous e-mail addresses in that got sent along with the e-mail, never taking the time to Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) all the addressees .... So not only am I gaining access to ALL SORTS of e-mail addresses, but there are jerks out there who now have access to mine!!!

Please, PLEASE, do yourself and your friends a HUGE favor: Part One would be to erase all the e-mail addresses when you forward your joke or spiritually uplifting message or political witticism.... Once you hit "forward", you can do anything you want to the message, including hitting the delete button over the addresses or backspace button, or (here's a tough one) holding your mouse down and highlighting all those addresses, then deleting them all at once! Part Two would be to either put your own name in the "To" line and then everyone else's in the BCC line, or you can create an Undisclosed Recipients address (go to Contacts, select "New", type in Undisclosed Recipients in the name area, then fill in your own e-mail address), and use that in the "To" line--again, put everyone else's address in the BCC line.

Folks, if you want to help me and everyone else out by doing this, that'd be great! If you don't know how to use or find your BCC line, comment on this blog, or e-mail me, and I'll help you find it.

This has been a Public Service Message from one very irate e-mail recipient.
Thank you!


T.W.C. said...

Amen, sister!

If I could mass mail that to everyone at work (using BCC of course), I would so so.

How was your birthday celebration? Get any pics?

~ H ~ said...

I SO agree with you on this one!! If only people would make sure to use the BCC AND to check on snopes.com before sending on crap! lol

trayceetee said...

Oh, yeah! I should have mentioned that (snopes) too!