About Me

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I grew up in Small Town, Nebraska, feeling sheltered by the 'safety' of it all. When I moved to Big City, Nebraska, I felt like the world was my oyster. However, I soon felt like there was much more for me Out There... I moved to Chicago, thinking I was done with this 'little' state. It took living in a true big city to realize that Lincoln is just an oversized small town... and it's where I belong! I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband who understands me and all my oddities. My kids are young enough to still think I'm cool. Beyond that, who cares, right?

Monday, September 08, 2008

Let's go crazy! Let's get NUTS!!!

Josie (candid shot by Uncle Mike)

This is Josie's second year as a Girl Scout Brownie... her first FULL year. Since I was a co-leader for Lindsay's troop for a couple of years, it's only fair that I co-lead Josie's troop too. And actually, I'm really pumped about it--Josie's leaders are great! (There are four of us, because, at one time, there were 20 girls in the troop... I think some have pulled out because they have too many other commitments, and I'm hoping we'll get a few new ones signed up in the next week or two.)

We're just getting started with meetings (still trying to nail down a permanent meeting place!!!), getting all the registrations in, etc. The usual stuff. But something that's new (obviously) for Josie, as well as for me, is Nut Sales!

I'm sure you're all familiar with Girl Scout Cookies, which are sold in February. (You're thinking, "Duh, Trace, what else do Girl Scouts do but sell cookies?") Actually, Girl Scouts do MUCH more than that, but that's a whole other topic. In addition to the MANY other things Girl Scouts do, they sell nuts in the fall.

Now, they have Nut Sales, but it's not just nuts. Actually, there are various candies and munchies available at this time, and they all have different prices, too. (They range from $4 - $7, depending on the product.) I'm pretty excited about this, not only because it seems like a greater value for your buck, but also, it's just a new and exciting venture for us. I plan to take Miss Josie out around the neighborhood over the next few evenings and maybe a weekend day or two. Nut Sales go until mid-October, so we've got some time to work on this... but knowing me, if I don't get a jump on it now, all that time will slip through my fingers!

So feel free to let me know if you're interested in nuts... or candies or munchies. If you're reading this, chances are, you know how to get a hold of me. (And if you don't know me, check out the official Girl Scouts website to find a troop and score some nuts for yourself!)

How's that for a shameless plug?

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