About Me

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I grew up in Small Town, Nebraska, feeling sheltered by the 'safety' of it all. When I moved to Big City, Nebraska, I felt like the world was my oyster. However, I soon felt like there was much more for me Out There... I moved to Chicago, thinking I was done with this 'little' state. It took living in a true big city to realize that Lincoln is just an oversized small town... and it's where I belong! I'm blessed to have a wonderful husband who understands me and all my oddities. My kids are young enough to still think I'm cool. Beyond that, who cares, right?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Norfolk visit

After a nice sleep-over, it was time for more fun and games with the toys at Grandma's house. All that playing makes us hungry, so we had to go out for some delicious Ricardo's Mexican food with Uncle John, Devin, and Jim. Then, of course, right back to play-time! Posted by Picasa

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